Create your own Paper Fidget Spinner!

Need a stress-relieving toy or just want something fun to spin? Well, create this fidget spinner toy out of paper! You can makes these spinners with things you already have at home. No need for fancy bearings or other expensive materials. Just follow along in my step by step video to make your own fidget spinner. Make the fidget special by adding your personal touch to it. In one of my examples, I have added Pokemon faces to them. Also, you can create awesome color effects simply by added colors to the fidget arms. Endless possibilities to make it fun! What can you come up with?

Click on the left image below to download the fidget spinner template. The template will help you make your fidget uniform. It won’t spin well if it is lopsided. So make sure to use the template. For a step by step instruction on this cute craft, watch my diy_paper_fidget_spinner toy video. Have Fun Spinning! -Wennie

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